Piccolo(Piccolo to Pre-Frieza Saga)
Real Name: Piccolo-Ma-Junior, Son of Piccolo-Ma-Kataat.
Physical Form: Humanoid Race - Namek
Origin of Power: Self-Achievement
Fighting: In(40) Agility: Rm(30) Strength: Rm(30)
Endurance: In(40) Reason: Ex(20)
Intuition: Ex(20) Psyche: Rm(30)
Health: 140 Karma: 70
Resources: Fb(2), Rm(30) with the Z-Team.
Popularity: -20 on Earth Z, 0 elsewhere
Age: 21 Height: 6'3" in normal state.
Weight: 175LBS. in normal state.
Talents: Martial Arts B & E (Shotokan, Kick-Boxing, Tae Kwon Do, Goju), Tumbling, Acrobatics, Resist Domination, Trance, Pilot (air/space).
Contacts: Kataat(Grandfather, Deceased), Z-Team (Rm(30) Resources, Hero Group), Kami ("Uncle/Brother", Un(100) Resources, Guardian of Earth), Piccolo-Ma-Kataat(father, Deceased).
Powers:Regeneration: Rm(30)
True Flight: In(40)
Levitation: Rm(30)
Hyperspeed: Gd(10)
Longevity: Pr(4). Nameks have an average lifespan of 2,000 Terran years.
Hyper-Hearing: Rm(30)Self-Duplication: Rm(30). (See Namek) By making a Green Psyche FEAT, Piccolo can create up to 3 temporary duplicates of himself that have all his abilities and powers at -3CS; Yellow Psyche FEAT gives duplicates with -2CS, Red Psyche FEAT gives duplicates -1CS. The duplicates can last up to 30 rounds, until Piccolo reabsorbs them, or until they are destroyed. Piccolo does not lose karma if a temporary duplicate is killed. Piccolo must still make a red FEAT for successful reproduction).
Artifact Creation: Rm(30). Piccolo has used this power to create the following:
Telepathy: Rm(30)
- Clothes that act as Body Armor of up to Rm(30) Material Strength, Rm(30) protection against physical attacks and Gd(10) protection against energy attacks.
- A sword of up to Rm(30) Material Strength.
Power Detection: In(40)
Elongation: Piccolo can stretch both arms up to 3 areas away or 1 arm up to 6 areas away.
Power Transferral: In(40). Piccolo can only use this with willing targets at touch range only. He has developed the following Power Stunts:Mind Transferral: Rm(30). Contact only. Piccolo must make a Red Psyche FEAT to do this, failure leaves him unconscious for 1 to 30 rounds. Piccolo can only transfer his own mind.
- Transfer up to 4 powers at once to a willing target(including himself) that have a maximum of up to Gd(10) rank; 2 powers of Ex(20) rank; 1 power of Rm(30) and 1 power of Gd(10) with a Yellow Psyche FEAT. If the target already has 1 of the transferred powers then the rank number of the transferred power is added to the target's. This lasts for up to 30 turns.
- Transfer up to a total of 40 Health points to a willing target(including himself) with a Yellow Psyche FEAT.
- Transfer up to a total of 40 Ability points to a willing target (including himself) with a Red Psyche FEAT. The target can then distribute the ponts to whatever abilities or powers he has. This lasts for up to 30 turns.
Telekinesis: In(40).
Sensory Link: CL1000. Piccolo's lifeforce is linked with Kami's. if 1 suffers damage the other feels it too. By making a Red Psyche FEAT and expending half of his Karma points, Piccolo can lessen the damage felt through the link by up to 30 points.
Growth - Atomic Gain: Pr(4). He has the following stats when in giant form:Electrical Generation: Rm(30). From hands.
- Height: 12'6"
- Weight: 630LBS.
- Strength: In(40)
- Health: Health does not change.
- +1CS to hit.
Resistance to Electricity: Rm(30).
Armor Skin -Leather: Ex(20). Provides rank protection against physical and energy attacks.
Plasma Control: Rm(30). Piccolo has developed the following power stunts:
- He can fire bolts of Plasma that do Rm(30) force damage, Gd(10) electricity and light up to rank range.
- By making a yellow Power FEAT, Piccolo can fire a concentrated blast of Am(60) force,
Gd(10) electricity and light damage and fire it at power rank range. By making both a green Psyche and a Yellow Power FEAT, Piccolo can focus his energies into a sphere of plasma energy that does Am(50) force, Ex(20) electricity and light damage and fire it at Rm(30) range.
- By making a Red Psyche and Red Power FEAT, Piccolo can combine both his mental and plasma energies (30 points from his Psyche and 30 points from his Plasma Control) into a beam of "Psionic" plasma that does Am(60) force damage, Rm(30) electricity and Am(50) light(laser) damage. Piccolo can further increase this damage by +1CS if he successfully makes a Yellow Endurance FEAT along with the required Psyche and Power FEATs. He calls this attack his "Special Beam Cannon".
- By making a yellow Power FEAT, Piccolo can fire bursts of Plasma that do rank force damage, Gd(10) light and electricity but can effect up to 3 adjacent targets at once. This has up to Gd(10) range. This is Piccolo's "Scattershot".
Resistance to Plasma: Rm(30).
Recovery: Ex(20).
Total Memory: This is really genetic memory in that Piccolo-Ma-Kataat's memories exist in Piccolo-Ma-Junior's mind. This gives Piccolo-Ma-Junior a +1CS to all FEATs against any opponents his father had fought(namely Tien, Roshi, Muten-Roshi, Kami, and Goku).
Weakness: Namek physiology is reptilian based and is subject to temperature changes. Cold attacks are +1CS against them as they are more cold blooded than warm.
For some unusual reason sonic-based attacks can temporarily incapacitate them for 1-10 rounds. To avoid this, Nameks must make both a successful Intuition and Psyche FEAT for every round they are exposed to this type of attack.
A Namek's main weakness is his constant Psionic control of his body. If a Namek is being Mind Blasted, that Namek will find it very difficult to use his powers (this includes Regeneration and Recovery, but not Armor Skin, Resistance to Electricity, or Hyper-Hearing.). To regain control, a Namek must make a Psyche FEAT against the power rank used against him. If the Namek rolls a white then he cannot use his powers. A green result lets him use his powers at -4CS; yellow at -2CS; red regains full control and a +1CS to further attempts to resist the attacking power's rank.
As mentioned aboved, Piccolo's lifeforce is linked with Kami's. If Kami dies so does Piccolo and vice versa.