The Kill result is potentially the most dangerous for the user (and definitely the target). A Kill result may be checked for as the result of an Energy attack, an Edged attack in Slugfest, Throwing Edged attack, or a Shooting attack. It may also be called for by reducing a character's total health to 0(see the Life, Death, and Health section of this site).
The target receiving a Kill result makes an Endurance FEAT on the Universal Table. There are 3 results on this table.- End. Loss: An Endurance Loss indicates that the character's Endurance is reduced -1CS. The character is dying (check under Life, Death, and Health), and will continue to lose Endurance at -1CS per turn until the situation is cleared.
- E/S: indicates the character is affected as an Endurance Loss only if the method of attack was Edged attack in Slugfest or a Shooting attack. Any other attack form is considered No Effect.
- No Effect: The character takes damage as listed for the attack form, but is not slain.
A Kill result has detrimental effects on the attacker as well as the target. A hero who kills will lose all Karma (check the Karma section).