Travel Powers
Astral Body: (Cyberspace version only) The nanites alter the host's cerebral cortex to serve as a wireless modem that allows the host to enter cyberspace. Max. of Un(100). Think of the Matrix.
Hyper-Leaping: The nanites alter the host's skeleton and neuro-muscular system to use this power. Max. equal to host's Strength rank +1CS.
Hyper-Running: The nanites alter the host's skeleton, neruo-muscular & cardio-vascular system to use this power. Max. equal to 1/2 host's Endurance rank.
Hyper-Swimming: Same as the Nanite Hyper-Running Power. Max. of 1/3 host's Strength rank.
Rocket: The nanites convert the host's waste material and dead hair/skin cells as "rocket" fuel to use this power. Max. equal to 1/2 host's Endurance rank. This power has a finite fuel supply. The host has a flight time of minutes equal to 1/2 his/her Endurance rank. This fuel supply is for an entire day.
SpiderClimb: The nanites alter certain areas of the host's skin surface to act as molecular hooks to use this power. Max. of Am(50).