The Catching maneuver is a move designed to let the hero catch falling objects and teammates, as well as catch objects that are thrown and fired at them. It uses the Agility ability to make this maneuver.
The catching maneuver can only be directed against 1 item at a time. The attempt to catch the item is made on the Universal Table, with Auto-hit, Miss, Damage, and Catch results.- An Auto-hit result means the object the hero tried to catch hit the hero instead. In the case of a falling object, this is as if the object made a charging attack against the character at the speed of the fall. In the cases of shooting or thrown weapons, the hero is automatically hit (a white result to hit is treated as a green result).
- A Miss result indicates the hero has
missed catching the object. If the object he was trying to catch was directed against him as an attack, the attack proceeds at a +1CS to hit.
- A Damage result indicates the hero caught the object, but might damage it as a result. Treat the catch as a damage-inflicting attack on the object or character being caught.
- A Catch result indicates the object is caught with no ill effects to the hero attempting the catch or the object or character being caught.
A character suffers -3CS on all attempts to catch objects directed against the character specifically. In addition, certain types of catches require a minimum Agility.- Hero must have an Un Agility to catch small, fast-moving items (like bullets).
- Hero must have an Am Agility to catch large, thin, projectiles (like arrows).
- Hero must have at least Rm Agility to attempt to catch other thrown projectiles.
- Hero may have any Agility to try to catch a falling character or object.