

A character who is taken by surprise has a greater chance of being affected by an attack than one who is expecting it. A Blindsiding attack gains a +2CS to hit. and the character hit by a Blindsiding attack may not add Karma to any die rolls to determine if the attack Slams, Stuns, or Kills. The Judge has final say on Blindsiding, but guidelines are: if the character is taken unaware from behind, the character is distracted, the attacker is playing possum (the target does not anticipate an attack), the attack comes from an unsuspected quarter (an ally or supposed friend makes the attack). Characters with extraordinary senses (like Daredevil) or danger senses (like Rogue, Franklin Richards, and Spider-Man) cannot be Blindsided in normal circumstances. Under special circumstances, though, Blindsiding these characters can be possible. Spider-Man was once Blindsided by Aunt May, as his vaunted spider-sense did not recognize the dear sweet lady with the lead pipe as a threat---let this be a lesson to us all...